1. Steve Vai
Maybe all already know that Steve Vai is the only guitarist who has a complete engineering and gaming soundnya also exceptional, so it is very proper for varius if no 1 position occupied by the masters such as Steve Vai
2.Joe Satriani
Choosing varius reasons bang Joe as runner-up because it can be said in terms of album sales and the recipient of the award as instrumentalist rock album has been achieved by him and again he is also very creative in the selection of tone.
3.Paul Gilbert
Who knew hell ga ma This tall guitarist who was the former guitarist of the band MR.BIG, perhaps because he chose varius reasons speednya pickingnya and incredibly fast (pake pake ma hand drill is almost the same time anyway?? Outside the ordinary means of his right hand speed ) and also his vocal quality is also good
4. John Petrucci
He is the guitarist of the band dream theater, must also agree not smua if he entered the ranks of the top 10 best guitarist? but there is one thing yangvarius less likely than men, the usual showmanshipnya wrote, even he seems to always look to the guitar neck when performing solo. but however Petrucci is one of the guitarist with complete technique as well.
5. Yngwie Malmsteen
What about the varius options for this position? what all agree? hell of a lot less so among rockers like Yngwie, for whatever reason. hehehe but he's still worth pickingnya count because an accurate and fast, but the less likely he is monotonous in the election lick, what do you think readers?
6 Alm.Jimi Hendrix
Although he already left this world more than 30tahun but his name still resonates among guitarists, can not be denied that he was one of the most genius guitarist in this century, too bad he was so short ..
7. I Wayan Balawan
To Position It varius enter a guitarist of our own country, the son of Bali is recognized by the world as a guitarist loh reliable because the technique double handed tappingnya game, yet he never see this play two guitars simultaneously by simply using the tapping? and he was also creative in combining music with Balinese folk music combined with jazz, in fact there are many guitarists who are skilled to use this technique for instance Stanley jordan, jeniffer batten and even there was one Japanese guitarist who I forgot his name yes?
8.Vitto Brata
Still Remember the White Lion guitarist this? varius chose him with the reason because he's one of the most clever guitar tone harmonic tones and dignakan by taping, for example, please listen to a song entitled whitelion Wait, there you can hear his guitar melody that is very melodic and played with great tapping technique. actually, there is a matter of tapping jugaEddie Van Halen, but varius memlilih Vito Brata.
9.Jason Becker
Varius chose this guitar because of his genius, for those who do not know this guitarist had an illness that makes all the nerves die and can not move his body, only her eyes are still able to glance at today. and in such circumstances, he could still compose songs using the computer mouse eye sensor (Yeah great) unfortunately he suffered such a fate, when he was young and very talented loh .. he first ever duet with Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman Cacophony to make that wing neo classic metal ..
10.Luca Turilli
Ever Listen to this name? he is the guitarist of the band Rhapsody of Fire (formerly Rhapsody name) it's a good guitarist italian nationality was chosen because his genius makes composition and orchestral arrangements are combined with the wing flow metal rhapsody music, rhythm techniques besides gun machinenya very constant and rapid.
The Best Guitarist InThe World
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
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Atlantis is Indonesia
Kamis, 03 Februari 2011
Previously I've told atlantis civilization here, and now I want to complete it again with the post now, please be listened deh ... Prof. Arysio Nunes Dos Santos published a groundbreaking book: "The Lost Continents Atlantis Finally Found". Where found? Expressly declared that the location of Atlantis who had been missing since approximately 11,600 years ago it was in Indonesia (?!). During this time, the continents as told Plato 2,500 years ago it was the continent which is inhabited by a nation that has civilization of Atlantis which is very high by nature a very rich, who then lost sank to the seabed by flood and earthquake disaster as punishment from the Almighty. The story of Atlantis are discussed from time to time, and continue the search efforts were conducted in order to find the remains of a high civilization that has been achieved by the nation's Atlantis.
Search conducted in the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean, to the North Pole. This search had no results, so most people assume that Plato described it was merely a fairy tale. Professor of Nuclear Physics skilled Santos stated that Atlantis was never found because it sought in the wrong place. Convincingly correct location is Indonesia, he said ..
Prof. Santos said that he has been researching the possibility of the location of Atlantis for 29 years. Santos science used in tracing the location of Atlantis is the science of Geology, Astronomy, Paleontology, Archeologi, Linguistics, Ethnology, and Comparative Mythology. Book Santos when asked to 'Amazon.com' a week ago was discharged not left. His book is linked to 400 sites on the Internet, according to Santos and his own website has been visited by as many as 2.5 million visitors. This is free advertising to effectively introduce Indonesia to the outside world, which does not require a penny of funding from the Government of Indonesia.
Plato wrote about Atlantis in the period in which Greece is still a cultural center of the Western World (Western World). Until now there has been to detect whether the expert's philosophy is simply to tell a myth, a moral fable, science fiction, or whether in fact he told a story of history. Or has he honestly explains the fact that Atlantis is an absolute reality?
Plato said that Atlantis was a prosperous country with gold, precious stones, and the 'mother of all civilazation' with continent-sized empire that controls the shipping, trade, master the science of metallurgy, has a network of irrigation, with a life in art, dance, theater, music, and sports.
Residents Atlantis originally was honorable men and rich, then transformed into ambitious. That power and then punish them by bringing floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes are so fierce that drown the whole continent.
Similar stories of this or similar stories of Atlantis ended with the floods and earthquakes, was also found in traditional sacred stories in various parts of the world, as told in the local language. According to Santos, the size of the time given Plato 11,600 years BP (Before Present), exactly the same with the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, which also caused floods and earthquakes are very great.
This disaster caused the extinction of 70% of the species of mammal that lived at the time, including possibly two species of humans: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon. Before the floods, the island of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Nusa Tenggara are still fused with the peninsula of Malaysia and the Asian continent.
The position of Indonesia is located on the 3 tectonic plates push each other, leading to a series of volcanoes ranging from Sumatra, Java, Nusa Tenggara, and continues to the North to the Philippines as part of the 'Ring of Fire'.
The main mountain mentioned by Santos, which plays an important role in this disaster is Mount Krakatoa and 'a mountain of other' (possibly Mount Toba). Another mountain is mentioned (in connection with stories mytologi is Mount Semeru, Gunung Agung and Gunung Rinjani.
Natural disasters, according to Santos's streak began with the explosion of Krakatoa volcano, which destroyed the entire mountain itself, and formed a large caldera of the Sunda Strait that would separate the Sumatra and Java islands. These eruptions cause a tsunami with a very high sea waves, which then covered the lowlands of Sumatra to Peninsular Malaysia, between Java and Kalimantan, and between Sumatra and Kalimantan. Ash eruption of Krakatoa in the form of 'fly-ash' rose high into the air and blown by the wind to all parts of the world at that time still largely closed ice (Pleistocene Ice Age.) Ash was later dropped and the cover layer of ice. Due to the layer of ash, then melt the ice as a result of solar heat absorbed by the layer of ashes. Glaciers in the Arctic and Europe then melts and flows into the lower parts of the earth, including Indonesia. Flooding due to tsunamis and melting ice is what causes the sea water rose around 130 meters above the lowlands of Indonesia. Lowlands in Indonesia sank below sea level, and living is high plains and volcanic peaks.
This huge water pressure caused great tension and pressure on continental plates, which resulted in volcanic eruptions and the next great earthquake. The result is the end of the Ice Age Pleitocene dramatically.
In his book Plato said that Atlantis is a prosperous country that the sun bathed all the time. Whereas age at the time was Ice Age, where the earth's overall temperature is approximately 15 degrees Celsius colder than today.
The location is bathed in sunlight at that time was Indonesia, which is located at the equator.
Plato also mentions that the area of the lost continent of Atlantis ".... Larger than Libya (North Africa) and Asia Minor combined into one ...". This spacious area is exactly the same with Indonesia coupled with the vast South China Sea.
According to Professor Santos, experts who generally come from the West, believes firmly that human civilization come from their world. But reality shows that Atlantis is under the waters of Indonesia and not elsewhere. Although told in their own language, it turns out the terms used by many who refer to things or events that are the same. Santos concluded that the population of Atlantis consisted of several tribes / ethnic groups, where 2 pieces of greatest interest is Aryan and Dravidas.
All of these tribes came from Africa the previous 3 million years ago, which then spread throughout Eurasia and to the East until Auatralia approximately 1 million years ago. In Indonesia, they found an ideal natural conditions to develop, which develop knowledge about agriculture and civilization as a whole. This occurred in the Pleistocene era.
In the Ice Age, Atlantis is a tropical paradise with beautiful fields, mountains, precious stones, metals of all types, perfume, rivers, lakes, irrigation channels, a highly productive agriculture, gold palace with walls of silver, elephant , and various other wild animals. According to Santos, only Indonesia was as rich as this (!). When disasters occur described above, where the sea water rose as high as about 130 feet, Atlantis residents who survived were forced out and moved to India, Southeast Asia, China, Polynesia, and America.
Aryan tribes who migrated to India at first moved and settled in the Indus valley. . Because of the Himalayan glaciers are also melting and cause floods in the Indus valley, they migrate further into Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestinian, North African, and North Asia. In these new places they then seek to develop its culture of Atlantis which is their cultural roots.
The best records from the sinking continent of Atlantis was recorded in India through washing traditions in areas such as Lanka, Kumari Kandan, Tripura, and others. They are the inheritors of a culture that was drowning.
Tribe Dravidas with darker skin to stay in Indonesia. This massive migration can explain the sudden onset or immediately advanced technologies such as agriculture, processing of precious stones, metallurgy, religion, and above all is the language and alphabet in the world during the period called the Neolithic Revolution. The languages can be traced derived from Sanskrit and Dravidian. Hence the languages of the world's highly regarded forward from the grammar and semantics. An example is the alphabet. All alphabets indicate a "fingerprint" of India which at that time is an integral part of Indonesia.
Of the Indonesians were born the seeds of civilization which later developed into the Indus valley culture, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Hatti, Greeks, Minoan, Crete, Rome, Inca, Maya, Aztec, and others. These cultures know the myth is very similar. The name of various tribes of Atlantis known as Tala, Attala, Patala, Talatala, Thule, Tollan, Aztlan, Tluloc, and others.
That is a summary of the theory of Professor Santos, who wanted to prove that the lost continent of atlantis was actually located in Indonesia. Strengthens the evidence that Indonesia as the Atlantis, as compared to other alternative locations concluded Professor Santos in a matrix which he calls the 'Checklist'.
Regardless of whether or not this theory, or can prove or not the future existence of Atlantis beneath the sea in Indonesia, the theory of Professor Santos was until recently was able to attract the attention of people outside Indonesia. This theory is also prepared with arguments or hujjah quite clear.
If anyone thought that the quality of the Indonesian nation is now at all "not convincing" for it can be said to be the ancestors of the advanced nations of the revelation that, then this is a process of progress or decline of the civilization which took more than ten thousand years. Small example, yes the comparison is very popular on the people of Malaysia and Indonesia, where 30 years ago they were still learning from us, and now they are relatively located in front of us.
Allah SWT also says that the fate of humans is indeed dipergilirkan. A noble one day become contemptible, and vice versa. Professor Santos will continue to conduct further field research in order to prove his theory. Today's technological advances such as satellite that can map the ocean floor, a mini submarine for research (as used to find the ship 'Titanic'), and various other sophisticated equipment he hoped would be able to help find supporting evidence that is now believed to still hidden in the base sea in Indonesia.
What can be done by the government and the Indonesian people? How did the Indonesian experts from various scientific disciplines to respond to the theory that actually "lift" Indonesia into a very respectable position: as the origin of civilization, the nations of this world?
Let us ponder the causes of Atlantis was destroyed: intelligent honorable people that turns into an ambitious and various other misdeeds (perhaps 'corrupt' one of them). Well, one Indonesian, one of the "ex-Atlantis" is going to get punished again later if you do not want to change this nation revealed as blatant today.
Similarly, an excerpt from Notes Bang Ferdy Firdaus of Dailami Santos theory briefly. For those interested to read more clearly, can be directly to the website of Professor Arysio Nunes Dos Santos - Atlantis The Lost Continent Finally Found http://www.atlan.org/ (badruttamamgaffas.blogspot.com)
Search conducted in the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean, to the North Pole. This search had no results, so most people assume that Plato described it was merely a fairy tale. Professor of Nuclear Physics skilled Santos stated that Atlantis was never found because it sought in the wrong place. Convincingly correct location is Indonesia, he said ..
Prof. Santos said that he has been researching the possibility of the location of Atlantis for 29 years. Santos science used in tracing the location of Atlantis is the science of Geology, Astronomy, Paleontology, Archeologi, Linguistics, Ethnology, and Comparative Mythology. Book Santos when asked to 'Amazon.com' a week ago was discharged not left. His book is linked to 400 sites on the Internet, according to Santos and his own website has been visited by as many as 2.5 million visitors. This is free advertising to effectively introduce Indonesia to the outside world, which does not require a penny of funding from the Government of Indonesia.
Plato wrote about Atlantis in the period in which Greece is still a cultural center of the Western World (Western World). Until now there has been to detect whether the expert's philosophy is simply to tell a myth, a moral fable, science fiction, or whether in fact he told a story of history. Or has he honestly explains the fact that Atlantis is an absolute reality?
Plato said that Atlantis was a prosperous country with gold, precious stones, and the 'mother of all civilazation' with continent-sized empire that controls the shipping, trade, master the science of metallurgy, has a network of irrigation, with a life in art, dance, theater, music, and sports.
Residents Atlantis originally was honorable men and rich, then transformed into ambitious. That power and then punish them by bringing floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes are so fierce that drown the whole continent.
Similar stories of this or similar stories of Atlantis ended with the floods and earthquakes, was also found in traditional sacred stories in various parts of the world, as told in the local language. According to Santos, the size of the time given Plato 11,600 years BP (Before Present), exactly the same with the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, which also caused floods and earthquakes are very great.
This disaster caused the extinction of 70% of the species of mammal that lived at the time, including possibly two species of humans: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon. Before the floods, the island of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Nusa Tenggara are still fused with the peninsula of Malaysia and the Asian continent.
The position of Indonesia is located on the 3 tectonic plates push each other, leading to a series of volcanoes ranging from Sumatra, Java, Nusa Tenggara, and continues to the North to the Philippines as part of the 'Ring of Fire'.
The main mountain mentioned by Santos, which plays an important role in this disaster is Mount Krakatoa and 'a mountain of other' (possibly Mount Toba). Another mountain is mentioned (in connection with stories mytologi is Mount Semeru, Gunung Agung and Gunung Rinjani.
Natural disasters, according to Santos's streak began with the explosion of Krakatoa volcano, which destroyed the entire mountain itself, and formed a large caldera of the Sunda Strait that would separate the Sumatra and Java islands. These eruptions cause a tsunami with a very high sea waves, which then covered the lowlands of Sumatra to Peninsular Malaysia, between Java and Kalimantan, and between Sumatra and Kalimantan. Ash eruption of Krakatoa in the form of 'fly-ash' rose high into the air and blown by the wind to all parts of the world at that time still largely closed ice (Pleistocene Ice Age.) Ash was later dropped and the cover layer of ice. Due to the layer of ash, then melt the ice as a result of solar heat absorbed by the layer of ashes. Glaciers in the Arctic and Europe then melts and flows into the lower parts of the earth, including Indonesia. Flooding due to tsunamis and melting ice is what causes the sea water rose around 130 meters above the lowlands of Indonesia. Lowlands in Indonesia sank below sea level, and living is high plains and volcanic peaks.
This huge water pressure caused great tension and pressure on continental plates, which resulted in volcanic eruptions and the next great earthquake. The result is the end of the Ice Age Pleitocene dramatically.
In his book Plato said that Atlantis is a prosperous country that the sun bathed all the time. Whereas age at the time was Ice Age, where the earth's overall temperature is approximately 15 degrees Celsius colder than today.
The location is bathed in sunlight at that time was Indonesia, which is located at the equator.
Plato also mentions that the area of the lost continent of Atlantis ".... Larger than Libya (North Africa) and Asia Minor combined into one ...". This spacious area is exactly the same with Indonesia coupled with the vast South China Sea.
According to Professor Santos, experts who generally come from the West, believes firmly that human civilization come from their world. But reality shows that Atlantis is under the waters of Indonesia and not elsewhere. Although told in their own language, it turns out the terms used by many who refer to things or events that are the same. Santos concluded that the population of Atlantis consisted of several tribes / ethnic groups, where 2 pieces of greatest interest is Aryan and Dravidas.
All of these tribes came from Africa the previous 3 million years ago, which then spread throughout Eurasia and to the East until Auatralia approximately 1 million years ago. In Indonesia, they found an ideal natural conditions to develop, which develop knowledge about agriculture and civilization as a whole. This occurred in the Pleistocene era.
In the Ice Age, Atlantis is a tropical paradise with beautiful fields, mountains, precious stones, metals of all types, perfume, rivers, lakes, irrigation channels, a highly productive agriculture, gold palace with walls of silver, elephant , and various other wild animals. According to Santos, only Indonesia was as rich as this (!). When disasters occur described above, where the sea water rose as high as about 130 feet, Atlantis residents who survived were forced out and moved to India, Southeast Asia, China, Polynesia, and America.
Aryan tribes who migrated to India at first moved and settled in the Indus valley. . Because of the Himalayan glaciers are also melting and cause floods in the Indus valley, they migrate further into Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestinian, North African, and North Asia. In these new places they then seek to develop its culture of Atlantis which is their cultural roots.
The best records from the sinking continent of Atlantis was recorded in India through washing traditions in areas such as Lanka, Kumari Kandan, Tripura, and others. They are the inheritors of a culture that was drowning.
Tribe Dravidas with darker skin to stay in Indonesia. This massive migration can explain the sudden onset or immediately advanced technologies such as agriculture, processing of precious stones, metallurgy, religion, and above all is the language and alphabet in the world during the period called the Neolithic Revolution. The languages can be traced derived from Sanskrit and Dravidian. Hence the languages of the world's highly regarded forward from the grammar and semantics. An example is the alphabet. All alphabets indicate a "fingerprint" of India which at that time is an integral part of Indonesia.
Of the Indonesians were born the seeds of civilization which later developed into the Indus valley culture, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Hatti, Greeks, Minoan, Crete, Rome, Inca, Maya, Aztec, and others. These cultures know the myth is very similar. The name of various tribes of Atlantis known as Tala, Attala, Patala, Talatala, Thule, Tollan, Aztlan, Tluloc, and others.
That is a summary of the theory of Professor Santos, who wanted to prove that the lost continent of atlantis was actually located in Indonesia. Strengthens the evidence that Indonesia as the Atlantis, as compared to other alternative locations concluded Professor Santos in a matrix which he calls the 'Checklist'.
Regardless of whether or not this theory, or can prove or not the future existence of Atlantis beneath the sea in Indonesia, the theory of Professor Santos was until recently was able to attract the attention of people outside Indonesia. This theory is also prepared with arguments or hujjah quite clear.
If anyone thought that the quality of the Indonesian nation is now at all "not convincing" for it can be said to be the ancestors of the advanced nations of the revelation that, then this is a process of progress or decline of the civilization which took more than ten thousand years. Small example, yes the comparison is very popular on the people of Malaysia and Indonesia, where 30 years ago they were still learning from us, and now they are relatively located in front of us.
Allah SWT also says that the fate of humans is indeed dipergilirkan. A noble one day become contemptible, and vice versa. Professor Santos will continue to conduct further field research in order to prove his theory. Today's technological advances such as satellite that can map the ocean floor, a mini submarine for research (as used to find the ship 'Titanic'), and various other sophisticated equipment he hoped would be able to help find supporting evidence that is now believed to still hidden in the base sea in Indonesia.
What can be done by the government and the Indonesian people? How did the Indonesian experts from various scientific disciplines to respond to the theory that actually "lift" Indonesia into a very respectable position: as the origin of civilization, the nations of this world?
Let us ponder the causes of Atlantis was destroyed: intelligent honorable people that turns into an ambitious and various other misdeeds (perhaps 'corrupt' one of them). Well, one Indonesian, one of the "ex-Atlantis" is going to get punished again later if you do not want to change this nation revealed as blatant today.
Similarly, an excerpt from Notes Bang Ferdy Firdaus of Dailami Santos theory briefly. For those interested to read more clearly, can be directly to the website of Professor Arysio Nunes Dos Santos - Atlantis The Lost Continent Finally Found http://www.atlan.org/ (badruttamamgaffas.blogspot.com)
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